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Government tenders have always been attracting people in India for a long time because of many reasons. Contractors starting their business want to start by taking government tenders no matter if they are small ones and give very less or no profits at all because working on government contracts improves the portfolio of the contractors and helps them in getting more work from the government in future. Below is the list of some of the most high demand tenders in India BPCL Tenders- Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited issues various tenders

Today’s market has a cut throat competition no matter which field you choose. In order to sustain in this ever-changing and demanding market, you need to be abreast of each and every intricacy of your business. If you are in a medical billing business, you must ensure that you regularly get as many Medical Contract as you can from big hospitals to small medical clinics and to achieve this, you must be absolutely active and aware in the business. Failing to be so might shut down your business in no

As technology has penetrated every sector, it brings a huge transformation to the way we work. With the grand entry of internet technology in the government sector, the traditional practice of tendering has been changed utterly. Various government organizations have felt the urgent need to improve their services so that they can address all the issues without interruption and difficulties. Everyone is aware of immoral and corrupt practices that happen at tendering and procurement boards levels. Thus, by adopting the e-tendering process, government and private sectors are trying to lessen

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