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These days, the definition of cyber insurance has changed drastically and companies have understood how beneficial cyber insurance is for their businesses. A research was conducted by Cowbell cyber and according to the study, nearly 65% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are planning to spend more money on cyber insurance as part of their cyber resilience plan in the next two years. Nowadays, cybercriminals have become more conscious and are employing newer approaches to create havoc on the victims. As cyber insurance is flourishing day by day, industries have

Data breach and cyber crimes are getting too common in today’s world. Although the digital infrastructure in Australia is mostly owned by the private sector, the government also shares some responsibility in maintaining cyber security. Cyber insurance is getting common for all sorts of organisations to prevent the susceptibility of being hacked. Did you know that about 55% of the small businesses in Australia have experienced a data breach and 53% of them had been affected by multiple such breaches. What is the role of the government in cyber security?

What is public liability insurance? Public liability insurance is for businessmen and can be used as a protection in case of any legal disputes brought by client, customer or public.  For instance, when someone is injured while working on your business promise or is being involved in any of the business activities, he or she might claim for the cost of the medical expenses or transportation. Having the public liability insurance for carers will help you cover for this kind of expenses. That said, it must be understood that public

Cybercrime has become a quotidian word in this tech-savvy world because, in 2020, we have experienced more severe attacks than expected. Covid-19 has hit hard in the market in 2020 and has encouraged us to work digitally. Cybercriminals are taking advantages of this situation and the number of breaches has increased by 273 % in the first quarter of 2020. Now, any business is susceptible to cyber-attack. If you are owning a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), then there is a 1 in 2 chance that you will meet cybersecurity

Considering the unpredictable nature of life, senior citizens need to have the right health insurance plan. There are many aged care insurances available. Out of them all, it is important to choose the right plan. Here we are sharing some tips that will help you compare market plans and make the right decision.  Why is health insurance important for seniors?  People above the age of 65 can avail the benefits of health insurance for seniors. Both singles and couples can opt for it. Medical expenditure, especially unplanned expenditures due to

The sudden outbreak of coronavirus has turned our lives upside down. It has significantly affected the way we live. People with low immunity levels, especially elders, kids and those suffering from chronic diseases are at higher risk of catching the infection. That is why leading health organizations, including WHO has advised them to be extra careful in COVID-19 times. Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently said that for the government, all lives are equally important. He said, “Every Australian matters. It doesn’t matter whether they’ve just been born or they are

If you are a service provider who offers advice, consultation or assistance in various projects to your clients, it becomes absolutely necessary to protect your client’s interests that are related to the services you provide in a legal way. There are many professions in Australia that require Professional Indemnity Insurance in a mandatory way and has become an essential and vital part of their business. There are many professions in Australia that essentially require you to go for the indemnity insurance. If you are a medical practitioner who offers advice

The professions which involve giving advice or specialist services are exciting but always at the risk of something going wrong.  In several cases they have to counter claims of alleged or actual negligence or breach of professional duty. These professionals need indemnity insurance that provides them much needed financial protection against claims. The professions which need professional indemnity insurance the most are: 1.      IT professionals 2.      Business and Management Consultants 3.      Fitness Professionals 4.      Teachers and Tutors 5.      Designers 6. 

Everyone who starts a business is in a lot of excitement. They know they can earn a lot of money if they put in their best efforts. But, you should ensure that you are doing everything right so that you can find success in the industry you are targeting. One of the things that you need to get for your company is insurance. So many types of coverage are available in the market, including commercial property insurance.  You must consider so many aspects before picking one. Here are some tips

Most people in the world do not like to talk about death or anything related to it. They feel embarrassed and shy. But, we need to realize the death is imminent. Hence, we need to do everything possible to prepare well for the funeral. Our death should not pose an undue burden on the near and dear ones. Funeral directors are smart as they get funeral directors insurance Adelaide.  They do not want to spend any money from their pocket if something goes wrong.  Since life is going to end

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