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Weak feet will certainly hamper your mobility, posture, and will also impact your overall health balance. In addition, your daily activities can also damage your feet. To overcome this damage, your feet need nourishment and strengthening. Yoga is the most powerful tool which will build strength, nourishment, and flexibility. These days many yoga experts and professional trainers are providing online yoga classes in Sydney and all over the world which will add firmness and flexibility to your feet. Here, we are going to mention 10 yoga asanas which will improve

The pandemic has locked us all inside our homes. The job pressures and continuously being at home is building stress and anxiety. It is slowing down our immunity which needs to be at peak to battle against the deadly coronavirus. Stress affects a deep tissue named fascia which surrounds our bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The compromised tissue needs to be released. And that’s when we need Yoga poses to move and stretch the body so that harmful toxins can run out of the body. Oxygen is the fundamental need

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