The purpose of a combustion leak tester is to determine the amount of combustion gases in the engine coolant. A hydrogen gas leak detector’s primary purpose is to identify any leaks from an engine’s combustion compartment (internal combustion) to the cooling water jacket adjacent to the combustion compartment. What is a combustion leak tester used for? Nowadays, most vehicles, including cars and trucks, have water-cooled internal combustion engines, and combustion leakage into the cooling system can be exceedingly harmful since exhaust gases react with coolant to generate corrosive acids. All
Gas monitors are an essential and vital equipment used in many industries. Gas monitors like biogas analyzer and emission analyzer are used extensively in industries to monitor and analyse different types of gases present in the environment and specially the harmful ones so that there are no risks for the employees working in the floor. Timely detection of harmful and poisonous gases ensure the safety of employees which ultimately keeps the expenses on check. There are various gas monitors available in the market and it completely depends on the nature