Acne Problem? Find Out How Oregano Oil Can Be a Perfect Solution


Do you know oregano, a widely popular seasoning has beauty-enhancing qualities? We all know oregano as a spice but hardly do we know about its herbal qualities. It is packed with nutrients and is used as medicine in several ailments. Especially oregano oil, which is obtained from the leaves and flowers of oregano is packed with powerful compounds like carvacrol and thymol which makes it a perfect solution for all skin related problems. It naturally nourishes the skin. If you love the smell of dry oregano, you will definitely like the earthy aroma of oregano oil which is way stronger than dried oregano. You will be surprised to see the difference oregano oil can bring to your skin’s health. With its increasing popularity, wild oregano oil Australia is widely available in the market.

How to use oregano oil on the face?

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Oregano oil is nature’s answer to all skin related problems. It can enhance skin tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Wild oregano oil has vitamins A, C, E and K and antioxidants in abundance. When combined with olive oil, it can increase the elasticity of the skin and bring a glow to the face.

The oil is widely used to treat acne problems. If you have acne-prone skin, you should start using oregano oil to prevent the problem from escalating. When used regularly, oregano oil, with its powerful nutrients will give you flawless skin. You must remember that oregano oil should never be applied directly on the skin. It should be diluted with carrier oil. Start with a very small quantity of oil. It should be just 1 or 2% of the carrier oil. You can gradually increase the proportion of oregano oil if it suits your skin.

Rather than using hands, apply the oil with cotton balls on acne 2-3 times a day. Within a few days, you will get the results. This is not a prolonged treatment. So, you should not use it for more than one or two weeks otherwise it can have an adverse effect on your skin.

How does oregano oil help treat acne?

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Acne is a skin condition in which dead skin cells cause whiteheads, blackheads and pimples on the face. Oregano is a herb with incredible healing properties. Since time immemorial, it has been used as an antibacterial agent to heal the wounds. Not to forget, it has antiseptic and antifungal properties too. This is the reason why it is widely used for skin problems. It is a great natural way of detoxing the skin. You will see your skin rejuvenating when you apply the oregano oil on your face. It is essential that you use pure oregano essential oil to garner the most benefits. Avoid using oil with added fragrance or additives.

Why is oregano oil the best treatment option for acne?

Oregano oil has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial properties that work effectively on the skin. Acne is caused due to the growth of Propionibacterium bacteria. Oregano oil will eliminate them completely and heal acne lesions. Carvacrol, a powerful ingredient found in oregano oil has antimicrobial properties that help treat skin conditions. Oregano oil has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness and swelling in cystic acne. The pain caused by large pimples can also be reduced with oregano oil.

If you have skin problems, you should also try drinking oregano tea. There are multiple benefits of oregano tea. It is packed with antioxidants. When consumed regularly, it can eliminate toxins from the body and boost the immune system which will be clearly reflected on your face.

External and Internal Use of Oregano Oil:

You can use oregano oil for treatment both externally and internally. For acne treatment, you can pour a few drops (only 2 to 3 drops) of oregano oil in the distilled water. Apply this diluted mixture all over your face. Ensure you avoid its contact with eyes and lips. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. After it dries up completely, you can wash your face with plain cold water. Doing this twice a day for two weeks delivers amazing results.

Even consuming oregano oil can have a great impact on the skin. It helps prevent the formation of acne in the first place. You can add 3 to 4 drops of oregano oil to a glass of drinking water or fruit juice and consume it on a regular basis. This will detox your body. If you have a severe acne problem, then you can mix 3-4 drops of oil with pure honey and consume it three times a day. The other way of consuming oregano oil is to put 3 to 4 drops of oil in an empty gel capsule and swallow it water.

Are there any side effects?

The best thing about natural remedies is they hardly have side effects. The same applies to the use of oregano oil for acne treatment. It is important that you use only 100% pure and organic wild oregano oil for the treatment. There should be no additives. If it is free from chemical substances, you will see your skin glowing like never before. Oregano oil might not suit certain skin types. If you feel a tingling sensation or redness upon applying oregano oil, you should consult your dermatologist. It is advisable that you conduct a patch test before applying oregano oil to your skin for acne treatment.

Chirag Shah

Chirag Shah is Google Adwords and Analytics Certified professional. He is a Digital marketing professional who specializes in conversion optimization, on page optimization and Digital marketing training.

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