Improved health benefits of Oregano oil


Oregano as a herb and the essential oil that is extracted from this herb have enormous health benefits and are even considered better than traditional and mainstream medicines when it comes to treating certain diseases. Oregano oil has antibacterial, antifungal, anti inflammatory and many other medicinal properties which makes it a popular medicine which has no side effects at all and this is the reason why wild oregano oil capsules are used as medicines across the world.

Is Oil of Oregano good to boost the immune system?

Among hundreds of amazing medicinal properties, oregano oil has also the property to boost the immune system if taken properly and regularly. Proper intake of oregano oil kills toxins and bacteria in the body which helps the body to regain the lost immune system. The diet of a person is normalised because of the improved immune system which helps the body to avoid common flu, cough and cold. A natural antifungal called Thymol is present in oregano oil which boosts the immune system and protects the body against toxins.

Which oregano is best for medicinal purposes?

There are majorly two types of oregano which are used for health benefits. First is the fresh oregano and second is the dried one. Fresh oregano is loaded with antioxidants and because of the presence of Thymol and carvacrol, it is able to fight infections very well. Fresh oregano is an excellent source of vitamin K, Vitamin E, iron, calcium etc which makes it extremely effective in building solid immunity. 

When it comes to dried oregano, it has almost similar benefits as fresh oregano but it needs to be handled more carefully as compared to the former. Oregano likem other spices loses its benefits and flavour over time so it is always advisable to store it carefully in air-tight containers or jars.

Does Oil of Oregano kill good bacteria?

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One of the most amazing things about Oregano is its ability to differentiate between good and the bad bacteria in the human body. This ability of this oil is the reason it is gentle on the good bacteria while it slowly destroys the bad ones which makes our immunity stronger and gets our body rid of severe bacterial infections which have been giving pain to us for years. Since this amazing herb does not harm the good bacteria, its intake becomes very safe for people of all age groups.

Improved health benefits of oregano oil

It is very important to know the fact that oregano oil has immense medicinal properties and it has the ability to cure not only one disease but several diseases related to bacteria, fungi, inflammation and pain. There is not one but many reasons why they use wild oregano oil australia for health benefits. Wild Oregano oil is extremely effective in treating intestinal parasites and complications related to it such as constipation, bloating, cramping, diarrhea and fatigue. Oregano oil when inhaled acts as an amazing medicine too. Inhaled oregano oil effectively treats cough, congestion in the chest, asthma and bronchitis. 

Since oregano oil has antifungal and anti inflammatory properties, applying it on the skin can get you rid from many diseases. Oregano oil when mixed with olive oil and applied on the face completely removes acne and scars from the face provided it must be used for at least 2 to 3 week on a regular basis. It has amazing medicinal properties in treating dandruff in the hair. When it is mixed with other oils and massaged on the scalp for a long interval of time, the dandruff is completely removed from the scalp.

Chirag Shah

Chirag Shah is Google Adwords and Analytics Certified professional. He is a Digital marketing professional who specializes in conversion optimization, on page optimization and Digital marketing training.

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